St Peter's Church, Northampton, Northamptonshire
- Overview
- Map
- What's on
- What's nearby
The most outstanding Norman church
St Peter's stands in a pretty grass churchyard in Northampton town centre, beside the buried remains of a Saxon palace. This 900-year-old Norman church is filled with glorious carved treasures. Inside, great Norman arches of plain and banded stone rise and flow with zig-zag waves.
They are supported by beautiful carved capitals, each overflowing with foliage, scrollwork, birds and beasts -- look for the man being swallowed by (or emerging from) a monster. These carvings were plastered over in the seventeenth century and were carefully unpicked with a bone knife in the early nineteenth century by local antiquarian Anne Elizabeth Baker, a labour of love lasting 11 years. Other highlights include a handsome brass lectern and carved wooden pews and monuments - including the bust of William Smith, the father of British geology.
Outside, strange half-human faces glare out from under the eaves, together with cruder, timeworn figures. There are other delights to be found include the fourteenth-century font, a twelfth-century grave slab with astonishingly clear relief carving and some fine Victorian stained glass.
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Find out more about the work of the Friends of St. Peter's Church here: The Friends of St Peter's Church | Marefair, Northampton UK (
CCT are delivering an ambitious project to regenerate the Old Black Lion public house in Northampton, which is next door to St Peter’s Church. Find out more about this project here.
Zoom Talk - Northampton's Cluniac Monasteries
12 March 2025 - 12 March 2025
The Friends of St Peter's invite all to this FREE Zoom talk
Zoom Talk - Brewing in Northamptonshire
09 April 2025 - 09 April 2025
The Friends of St Peter's invite all to this FREE Zoom talk
St Michael's Church, Upton, Northamptonshire
2.03 miles
Relic of a deserted medieval village
Church of St Peter & St Paul, Preston Deanery, Northamptonshire
3.80 miles
1,000 years of animals, both carved and real!
All Saints' Church, Holdenby, Northamptonshire
5.73 miles
A church that lost its village
Access information
Church is located in town centre. Access from street to church is via a paved path. There is one very small step into the porch.
Facilities & Hire
Northampton is a large church with fixed pews. There is electricity. There are no toilet facilities.
Northampton city centre location, south side of Marefair adjoining St. Peter's Way/Marefair junction. One way system.
Nearest railway station:
Northampton (0.2 miles); buses from town centre.
Bus route numbers 3/5/6/9/9A/19/21/22/22A/30/50/96/D1/D2.
History & Further Information
Useful information:
Why not make your visit more enjoyable and informed by finding out more about this church and the CCT before you visit?You can download a range of publications below including the relevant county guide, and any walk round guides we have for this church.
Warwickshire & Northamptonshire County Guide 2012
This free of charge short guide contains details of all the churches CCT cares for in Warwickshire & Northamptonshire. Printed copies of the county guide are also available at the church.
Community information
Useful local links:
- Visit Northamptonshire tourism website:
- Northamptonshire History website:
- Northamptonshire Family History Society:
- Northamptonshire Archaeological Society:
- Northamptonshire Historic Churches Trust: