Wiltshire: A Circular Walk from All Saints' Idmiston
A four mile walk through an undulating rural landscape
Start point Grid Ref: 197374 - OS Map 184 - Salisbury & The Plain
A place of worship has stood within the village of Idmiston since Norman, or possibly Saxon times. The CCT All Saints volunteer team hope you will enjoy both looking at our lovely church (brochure available in the church to take away), as well as exploring the beautiful Bourne Valley.
On leaving All Saints church (Point 1 on map) turn right out of the front gate and walk up Church Road in an Easterly direction. En route take note of Idmiston Manor where Giles Rowbach’s coat of arms are above the gate.
Carry on walking about 500 yards until reaching Idmiston Arch railway bridge and then turn left up the slope at the WCC sign (Point 2). Do not go under the bridge into Porton Camp.
This track will take you along the old Roman Road, which runs parallel with the main railway line to London.
Enjoy the magnificent panoramic views across the Bourne Valley. Carry on until reaching a disused tunnel under the railway bridge (at Point 3) and take a left turn up the track past the old barns until reaching the A338 at Point 4.
Cross the road and turn left at the Boscombe Club. Before embarking on the next phase of the walk, one can take a short de-tour into Boscombe village to look at St Andrews church (Point 5).
On returning to the main road follow the pavement towards Allington until coming to the Old Inn, cross the road into Allington, and stop to look at the church of St John The Baptist, which is looked after by the Friends of Friendless Churches (Point 6).
Walk past the play park in Allington, (Point 7) cross the ford (which dries up in the summer) at Point 8, taking the track up the hill for about one mile until returning to the old Roman Road at Point 9 near the Water Tower. Turn right to the South West and keep going for 1.5 miles to where the walk started in Idmiston.